Wednesday, 5 April 2017

LCD Soundsystem- Losing My Edge


Let’s start off with a song which is not that controversial to say that you like. Losing My Edge is a song about becoming uncool, old and out of touch. It is as simple as that. The songs protagonist has becoming bitter about these internet kids knowing about all the music which this dude (supposedly) knew about before and to quote him; "But I was there". "I woke up naked on the beach in Ibiza in 1988" he says trying to compose himself as 23 year olds say "Oh cool, man" while they go off to listen to that wack new band Liars (this song was released in 2002 so I can make that statement, nerds). He's the guy at the music store telling you that all digital is evil, while he raves about the Roland CR-78 being the saviour of modern music. His record collection is so diverse and he showed Daft Punk to the rock kids at CBGB's! He is desperately trying to keep his cool by spouting out his music knowledge. However, towards the end of the song, he sounds like he’s losing steam, as though he’s realising he's not what he was. Then the "We all know what you really want" in a much higher pitch on the voice as though its taunting him. There is something very funny and sad about something like this as it happens to us all and it does it in such a funny way.

Getting onto the beat, my GOD THIS IS A GROOVE MAN. This is a damn good hook. James Murphy (the chap with the shades) is a man after my own heart and knows how to use bass and drums to create a brilliant song. The drum beat is way New Order and the weird electronic noises created through god knows what (a sampled theremin and a sequencers).  Every so often a new instrument pops in or a new drum groove or it changes ever so slightly.
This is a great song to start with, DON'T LISTEN TO THE 4-MINUTE-LONG VERSION! Please for you own sake check out the full seven minute, fifty-three second version which is so much better.

All Links down there. Check it out if you have any soul.
Studio Version_
Live Version_


1 comment:

  1. Here's where the drum groove comes from. The CR78 baby.
