Sunday 9 April 2017

All Seeing Hand - Sand in Glass

I saw this band last year live and I was immediately blown away by how unique their sound was. And loud. And mind bending. This is the New Zealand band's fourth release (as far as I can tell on bandcamp) and I adore it. Not in the way one would adore something beautiful but more like in the way that one would adore a terrifying, evil God, from eons ago.

The ambient pipes(?) and feedback on 'Temple of Bones', which are used throughout the album, create a whirling psychedelic trance combined with a disturbing baritone voice (which I have been told by a friend is Peruvian throat singing) and a chest pounding drum beat, infects instantly. These feedback samples and drums are used to great effect on the single off this album 'Cro-Magnon Corp' , a track which has the freakyist music video I've ever seen (seriously check it out, really weird). 'Lizard Brain' and 'Gravity' have similar levels energy thrusting into your ears with no form of protection to be found anywhere in their filthy, disturbed, minds. 'Dog Eat Dog' and the title track are two very atmospheric rides which transport the listener into strange and mystical landscapes. The last track 'Rag and Bone' samples Jonny Greenwood's 'Open Spaces' off of his soundtrack to There Will Be Blood (something that I plan on writing about at some point as it is incredible). An unassuming song that slowly builds into a psych-rock monstrosity, it is an excellent way to end off the experiance (especially with those strings). 

There is little to fault this album apart from two which I thought need more work. 'Swam' samples fly's buzzing around creating a seething atmosphere, which I was distracted from due to high pitch synths which I personally felt could have been toned down a bit. 'Silicon & Synapse' had these 8-bit samples which were great but I felt did not really go anywhere interesting apart from repeat the sounds needlessly.

Apart from these small fly's in the ointment (music journos are now celebrating the use of connecting language features), this is a very solid album which I want everyone to listen to. I really hope that more people will want to hear these chaps and they don't simply fall into the forgotten, underground  New Zealand music scene, which unfortunately tends to happen to these bands. Their sound is so unique and refreshing that have to succeed, hopefully. So don't waste any more time and listen to it now!!

Cro-Magnon Corp. Music Video
Bandcamp page


Wednesday 5 April 2017

LCD Soundsystem- Losing My Edge


Let’s start off with a song which is not that controversial to say that you like. Losing My Edge is a song about becoming uncool, old and out of touch. It is as simple as that. The songs protagonist has becoming bitter about these internet kids knowing about all the music which this dude (supposedly) knew about before and to quote him; "But I was there". "I woke up naked on the beach in Ibiza in 1988" he says trying to compose himself as 23 year olds say "Oh cool, man" while they go off to listen to that wack new band Liars (this song was released in 2002 so I can make that statement, nerds). He's the guy at the music store telling you that all digital is evil, while he raves about the Roland CR-78 being the saviour of modern music. His record collection is so diverse and he showed Daft Punk to the rock kids at CBGB's! He is desperately trying to keep his cool by spouting out his music knowledge. However, towards the end of the song, he sounds like he’s losing steam, as though he’s realising he's not what he was. Then the "We all know what you really want" in a much higher pitch on the voice as though its taunting him. There is something very funny and sad about something like this as it happens to us all and it does it in such a funny way.

Getting onto the beat, my GOD THIS IS A GROOVE MAN. This is a damn good hook. James Murphy (the chap with the shades) is a man after my own heart and knows how to use bass and drums to create a brilliant song. The drum beat is way New Order and the weird electronic noises created through god knows what (a sampled theremin and a sequencers).  Every so often a new instrument pops in or a new drum groove or it changes ever so slightly.
This is a great song to start with, DON'T LISTEN TO THE 4-MINUTE-LONG VERSION! Please for you own sake check out the full seven minute, fifty-three second version which is so much better.

All Links down there. Check it out if you have any soul.
Studio Version_
Live Version_

This is not a file sharing website. You can find that out on you own.

This is simply looking just a website that talks about music which I like, that may or may not be popular. I don't really care if it is 'in' to like to this it's just what I think aye.

Now that's out of the way, lets get on with what the stuff!
The posting will be sporadic as schedules are for old people. I want to try and cover as much music and as many genres as possible so if you have any suggestions, feel free to say. I'll also try and link in the bands websites so you can purchase their music or watch a music video by the artist. Anyways I'll do my first post today.